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Notes From The Flip Side: 02.17.2000

"Equally insidious is the smug, even contemptuous, dismissal of the idea of music - or any art - as a deeper means of communication, as a conduit for profound personal and societal transformation. To hold on to that belief, to act on it, is to be labeled clueless - or crazy."

Ernest Hardy

Since the last update, I've added a significant number of reviews. I've been adding the reviews from Issue 6, but if I already had a page for a band, I added the reviews from Issues 7 and 8 as well. After all, the majority of work is in creating the review page. Once it's done, adding reviews to it is easy. I'm in the process of scheduling new interviews for this site; first up are Elliott and Hot Water Music. I hope to interview Dillinger 4, Leatherface, American Steel and a few of the other bands that have been rocking my world lately. There are some amazing bands currently recording and this world would be a better place if more people knew about them.

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Last modified on Wednesday, March 26, 2008